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Transport xizmati

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Ddu Railway Freight Agent From China To Denmark By Train Shenzhen Guangzhou Freight Forwarder To The World

Dunyoga poezd Shenzhen Guanchjou Freight Forwarder bilan Xitoydan Daniya uchun Ddu temir yo'l yuk agenti

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  • Bog'liq mahsulotlar

Yetkazib beruvchidan mahsulot tavsiflari

Umumiy nuqtai
Mahsulot tavsifi

Ekspress / dengiz / havo / temir yo'l yuklari - DDP / DDU / CIF / FOB

dropshipping / konteyner (CIF / FOB / DDP) Xizmati
Tuowei-BSD: Tashilishi mumkin bo'lgan minimal og'irlik 0.5kg 
Tuowei - BSD: Can also transport hundreds of kg or thousands of kg, you can also use the container transport, all of the channels,
we will give the best service and price and transportation to door (door to door), the world of amazon warehouse, also can to
ports around the world, we have special line in the Middle East, southeast Asia line, special line of Africa, the European special
line, the special line, special line in Asia, All have DDP/DDU/CIF/FOB service, give customers the best service,including customs clearance
Bu Tina Zhang va mijozlarning fotosurati. Amazon omboriga boradigan mijozlar va dunyoga boradigan mijozlar yaxshi kooperativ strategik hamkorlikka ega.
Qadoqlash & etkazib berish
Bizning xizmatlar

 Bizning kompaniyamiz ko'plab portlarga jo'natadi. Keyin tovarlar mijoz yashaydigan joyga etkazib beriladi. Quyida kelish portining nomi ko'rsatilgan.

Manzil porti     Qo'shma Shtatlar     Buyuk Britaniya    FR    DE    Markaziy Kengash     Angliya Angola  SaudiyaNameBAAUMMONOYROPABahraynBoshqa
           1   Los-Anjeles    Felikstowe  BoshqaGamburg Toronto   BrisbenNameLuandaJiddaHozir ham ...BoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqa
2BoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqa dam manBoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqaBoshqa
Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot

 Kompaniyamiz transport sohasida 18 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega. Sertifikatlash ISO9001 bor. Unda 300 ga yaqin xodim bor. Uning 12 ta filiali bor. Shtab-kvartirasi Shenzhen shahrida. Bizning asosiy ofislari Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Yiwu, Dalian, Henan, Qingdao, Gongkong, Guanchjou, Fuzhou, joylashgan


Ko'p so'raladigan savollar

1, qancha yuk narxi?
Need to provide product information: 1, country, 2, weight (according to volume and real weight, which big choose which), product name, whether there is electricity, we will provide you with a quote!

2, Sizning kompaniyangiz sug'urta sotib oladimi?
Yes,Our company can buy insurance, you need to provide the value of your goods!

3, Agar sifat nazorati ta'minlash mumkinmi?
Yes, our company can help you check the goods!

4, Sizning kompaniyangiz bepul saqlash mumkinmi?
Yes, our company can store the goods for 7 days free of charge, and we will deliver the goods for you as soon as possible!

5, Men Xitoyda manba va mahsulot jo'natmoqchimisiz?
BSD can help you in China 1688, taobao,factory and other platforms to help you buy goods at the most competitive price and help you to check the quality and transport the goods to you!


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